PRINT2D Mobile Calls-to-Action
More choices, more opportunities

Radio tie-ins - a PRINT2D premium call-to-action

Create unique advertising solutions with Radio Station tie-ins for QR codes

Radio Station tie-ins is a mobile Web call-to-action from PRINT2D

Mobile Radio Station tie-ins

Radio Station tie-ins for the mobile Web Á la carte

A unique call-to-action, exclusively from PRINT2D, Radio station tie-ins enhance brand positioning while enabling you to deliver a unique experience.
Radio tie-ins can be triggered from a 2D barcode or from a link in a mobile landing page. Both options are direct to content.
Additional Information:
Radio tie-ins provide opportunities for audio advertising. Full analytics are available.
Mobile Demo:
Scan the code to listen to internet radio over the mobile Web.
Get Started:
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